Ethics Complaint Form

"*" indicates required fields


NOTE: This form is supplied by the Board for Global EHS Credentialing (BGC) to individuals, groups or organizations (complainants) who want to submit an ethics complaint against a BGC certificant or BGC candidate for certification.

The BGC strongly recommends that all complainants review the Code of Ethics and the BGC Ethics Case Procedures before and during the preparation of an Ethics Charge Statement in order to understand the organization’s procedures and ethical standards.

Complainant’s (Your) Name:*
Complainant’s Address:*
The BGC certificant or candidate for certification who is the subject of an ethics complaint is the “Respondent.”
Respondent’s Name:*

The Board for Global EHS Credentialing (BGC) offers the Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Certified Associate Industrial Hygienist (CAIH), Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), Environmental Professional In-training (EPI), Certified Professional Environmental Auditor (CPEA), Certified Process Safety Auditor (CPSA), and the Certified Professional Product Steward (CPPS) certifications.

Respondent’s Address:*


1. Statement of Complaint: The following is a summary and statement of the facts, which the complainant believes support the issuance of a formal ethics complaint by the BGC. This factual statement must include a clear explanation of the alleged unethical conduct of the Respondent. The statement need not include all of the evidence the complainant is prepared to present; however, the complainant must explain the facts in sufficient detail to permit the Respondent to answer the allegations. If the space below is not sufficient, additional pages may be used and attached.

2. Applicable Provisions of the Code of Ethics: The complainant should list all provisions of the Code of Ethics that are relevant to this ethics case and all Code provisions that the complainant believes should be considered with respect to the case. Please review and refer to the current Code of Ethics.

3. Related Actions: The complainant should list any actions taken or contemplated that are directed at the same or related complaints. For example, the complainant should identify any complaints filed with state licensure or regulatory boards, courts or judicial forums, employers, etc.

4. Have you, the complainant, voiced your complaint to the BGC certificant/candidate for certification?

5. List of Witnesses and Documents to be Submitted and Considered:


By submitting this Ethics Charge Statement, I charge the BGC certificant or BGC candidate for certification identified with a violation(s) of the BGC Code of Ethics. I have read the BGC Ethics Case Procedures, and I agree to abide by the conditions and terms of these rules. I understand that the information submitted to the BGC concerning this ethics proceeding will be kept confidential, as set forth in the Ethics Case Procedures. I also understand that the accused BGC certificant or BGC candidate for certification (Respondent) will receive a copy of this document, as well as other information that is submitted with regard to the ethics case.

I further certify that the factual allegations made in this BGC Ethics Charge Statement are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that these ethics charges are made in good faith.

MM slash DD slash YYYY