CIH Voluntary Surrenders


BGC Diplomates may relinquish their certification at any time unless they are involved in a BGC ethics case.  Each of these former Diplomates has agreed to abide by the Voluntary Surrender terms. It is BGC policy that the names of former Diplomates will be listed for up to ~1.5 years on the BGC website.

Although these individuals voluntarily surrendered their certification during the time frames shown below, some may have already pursued reactivation. See the BGC online pubic roster for a list of currently certified individuals.



January 1 – June 30, 2022
Eric P. Bauer
Margarito T. Bercilla Jr
Kenneth J. Bird
Axel Bogdan
Fredric N. Bolton
Joel D. Bonnell
John L. Breiner
Charles M Carter
David Chan
Thomas J. Civic
Sean Patrick Costello
Monica Dermon
Lori Ann Dombrowski
Margaret M. Donivan
Francisco J. Estevez
George B. Flynn
Thomas Michael Galassi
Alan M. Goldstein
Shelley A. Gray
Robert W. Gruhot
Mark Haskew
Thomas Henry Hillis
Brian Janke
Carl R Johns
Anne Margareta Jopling
Ralph M. Keller
Michael F. Kindley
Michael S. Krupka
Charles D. Lane Jr
David T. Matthews
Rene Oscar Mayorga
Kalasi McKee
Lee E. Monteith
J. Kevin Moore
Lewis F Morris Jr
Larry R. Newton
Jean M. O’Neill
E. Michael Pankonien
Dennis M. Patrick
John David Pittman
Valora Lynn Putnam
Denise C. Richardson
Douglass G. Rowland
Arthur A. Russell
Andrew C. Schneider
Scott Polins Schneider
James F. Scholl
Tim S. Sekulic
Edward A. Smith
Bruce J Stewart
John F. Summersett
Gordon Lee Taylor
James Thomas
Kathryn B. Turner
Oba L. Vincent
Kent W. Webb
David J. Weitzman
Robert G Winkel

July 1 – December 31, 2021

Alan R. Amberg
Marwan Bader
Margot Ann Bernabo
Margaret D. Bold
Mark S. Cameron
Lawrence E. Carlson
Robert Joseph Chapman
Paul Cherasard
Richard Irvin DaRosa
Craig S. Davis
Edward Wayne Diggs
Bert Drews
Dale T. Drysdale
James Edward Duke
Melanie A. Dunay
Robert Gerard Fahey
Frank G. Fitzpatrick
Mark B. Freiberg
Declan Friel
Gary R. Gamble
Daniel S. Glover
Stephan C. Graham
Carol E. Gunn
Steven N. Hacker
Mary Ann Heaney
Howard Carlton Herman-Haase
Patricia P. Heyl
Leslie Hill Holland
John R. Holleran
Susan Ing
Jerry A. Jennings
Alan Morton Johnson
Ram Lal Kaushal
Judson L. Kenoyer
Michele R. Kinshella
Stuart W. Kline
V. Blake Knight
Leonard Barry Ko
John R. Kollman
Joseph J. Kotek
Kevin Roland Krenzien
William L. LaBonville
Robert D. Leo
Mitchel Wayne Little
Andrew W. Majewski
Lee M. Marseglia
Mary E. McConnell-Meachen
John W. McCormick
Mark Alexander McCullough
Craig S. Moody
Stephen E. Musson
Thomas W. Neuman
Jill N. Niland
Craig Daniel Ollenberger
Mary E. Parrish
Travis S. Peveto
Jose B. Phillips
Robert J. Reda
Wendy J. Ringgenberg
John Edward Robinson
Alan J. Rogers
Robert A. Rusczek
Steven Paul Schmidt
Diane A. Scurlock
Noah S. Seixas
Brenda A. Streeter
John F. Summersett
Michael K. Thompson
Arthur J. Thun
Harry A. Trout
Charles Arthur Walter
John K. Whitmer
Richard W. Wolf
Craig R. Woodard
Ray C. Woodcock
Stephen J. Yellstrom
Martin H. Zisner


January 1 – June 30, 2021

William O. Adams
Fui-Gan Ang
John J Armstrong
Stuart M. Bailey
Amy L. Baker
John Craig Beck
Paul Anthony Biedrzycki
Karen Sarantis Blume
Kevin M. Boyle
J. Lindsey Chalk
Keng Kwong Chan
Hon-Chung Cheung
Susan A. Colligan
Michael R. Donahue
Rand J Duhe’
George A. Dwiggins
Philip W. Fahlk
Kenneth E. Fischer
Richard J.M. Forget
Mark R. Francis
Jane W. Garland
Jeffery O. Gilbert
William F. Grabau
Cathy Ann Greenspan
Roger E. Gutzat
Linn D. Havelick
Christine A. Hoehn
Min Hou
Richard T. Lamont
Mary Ann Latko
Ronald L. Louvier
Harry Mahar
William D. McKee
Byron E. Nelson
Philip C. Nies
Andrew F. Oberta
Achille J. Petrocchi
Ronald C. Poore
Paul J. Price
Gregory D. Richardson
Stephen J. Riedman
Mary J. Russell
Mark C. Schwarz
Ghanshyam C. Shah
Kenneth R. Talley
Christopher Michael Thompson


July 1 – December 31, 2020

Michael Aber
Brent Bailey
Steven Ball
Robert Bee
Donald Bossow
Moira Botham
William Brocker
Karen Bujak
Laurie Corsi
Theresa Criscuolo
Elizabeth Cunningham
Douglas Fletcher
Gerard Foltz
Lynn Fondren
Jan Gardner
Patsy Glinsmann
Charles Haury
Charles Hyder
Jae-Kil Jang
Nancy Johnson
Christopher Lafferty

Paul Lawless
Robert Lawrence
James McHenry
Robert Moon
Monica Oscarson
Edith Pajek
Joshua Reilly
Frank Riordan
Carol Robinson
Henry Rominski
Walter Rostykus
Mark Sawden
Allen Schinsky
Thomas Siener
Joseph Suder
Roger Tankersley
Gene Tironi
Barry Westbrook
Mark Wilson
William Wooden
James Woolcott


January 1 – June 30, 2020

Leah Alcyon
Marc Andersch
Brett Besser
Jacob Braden
Karen Brown
Daniel Brust
Douglas Burke
Charles Burrus
David Carpenter
Kay Chang
John Cikalo
Joseph Compton
Margaret Cunningham
Sandra Deike
James Detwiler
James Detwiler
Gary DeWinkle
Ronald Dobos
Daniel Dobrinen
Kevin Drinan
Christopher Edwards
Lansing Ellis
Theodore Ellwood
J. Esler
Daniel Faulkner
Barbara Faville
Mark Finn
Dagmar Fung
Karen Gardella
Joanne Garton
Susan Gilson
Isabel Goldberg
Robert Guinter
Nicholas Haproff
Alexander Harrett
Charles Hart
Jerry Hendel
James Hendershot
John Heraldo
Kenneth Hergenrader
Elizabeth Hill
Margaret Hogarth
Mark Hoogewind
Ghazi Hourani
Lawrence Hunt
Phillip Jones
Robert Kapolka
Thomas Keenan
George Kreick
Joseph Kukla
Joseph Lee
Howard Leemann
Dennis Leonard
Nancy Liaboe
Jian Lin

Erica Logan
Daniel Mahoney
Kevin Matson
Mark Mattke
John McAneny
Ruth McCafferty
Scott Merkle
Michael Miller
Jeffrey Moraitis
Sandra Morey
Roseanne Morgan
Eugene Murphy
Gregory Naherne
Mark Nazar
David O’Konski
Charles Orebaugh
Christine Orebaugh
Dan Pacheco
Robert Parker
Robert Patterson
Donna Placzek-Savage
Rebecca Randolph
Michael Remington
Jeremiah Rice
William Ritchey
Gary Robinson
Tony Ros
Robert Safe
Charles Sawyer
Mark Schieri
John Schmerber
Robert Scuderi
Ann Smith
William Smith
Scott Stafford
Charles Stoyle
Thomas Straits
Fred Svaldi
Peter Swerzenski
Paul Szalinski
Paul Szalinski
Ross Traverse
James Unmack
Thomas Walker
Alice Walter
Ann Walzer
Laura Wash
S. Weiss
Susan Welch
Carol Wells
Vickie Wells
Kenneth White
John Yasalonis
Stephen Yee