QEP Application Form "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 5 - Application Data 20% Applicant Data The Board for Global EHS Credentials (BGC®) administers the Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP®) credential and the Environmental Professional In-Training (EPI®) designation. The QEP® is a multi-media, multi-disciplinary, board-certified technical credential for environmental professionals. The QEP® certification has the following requirements:a bachelor's degree in physical, earth or natural sciences, engineering, or mathematics and 5 years of professional environmental work experience acceptable to BGC®, ORa bachelor's or equivalent degree in a discipline( other than those previously listed) along with 8 years of professional environmental work experience acceptable to BGC. A QEP Candidate Handbook is available on this website for all exam applicants. The handbook provides an overview of subject matters on the test and sample questions. The handbook also contains specific information on the certification process as well as BGC's Policies and Procedures concerning certification and the examination. The application fee is US$150.00. If you are approved to sit for the QEP exam, you must pay the following exam fees: the QEP Part 1 General Environmental Science Exam fee of US$250, and the QEP Part 2 Specialty Exam fee of US$250 (US$500 total).BGC reserves the right to verify all information submitted in this application.Are you reapplying for eligibility for QEP certification?Are you reapplying for eligibility for QEP certification?Choose OneYesNoIf you believe you are a reapplicant, please do not complete the rest of this form. Please contact our office at applications@GoBGC.org.Name First Middle Last Please indicate any previously-used last / surnames.Previously-Used Last / Surname(s)*Please advise BGC if your legal name has changed since graduating from a college or university. Documentation of name changes must be sent to BGC at applications@GoBGC.org. AddressesPlease choose your primary address.Please choose your primary address.Use Home AddressUse Work AddressCompany NameDivision/OrganizationBusiness AddressBusiness Address 2Business CityBusiness State/ProvinceBusiness Zip/Postal CodeBusiness CountryBusiness PhoneBusiness EmailHome Address 1Home Address 2Home CityHome State/ProvinceHome Zip/Postal CodeHome CountryHome Phoneemail home Have you applied to BGC previously?Have you applied to BGC Previously? Yes No If yes, for which credential?CredentialDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Education An official transcript sent directly from each U.S. college or university attended is required. You may also send official transcripts in an envelope sealed with the Registrar’s seal. See the QEP Candidate Handbook pages on this website for requirements about equivalency reports needed for international degrees awarded outside of the U.S./Canada. Degree Type 1MajorSchoolDate Awarded 1 MM slash DD slash YYYY Degree Type 2Major 2School 2Date Awarded 2 MM slash DD slash YYYY Degree Type 3Major 3School 3Date Awarded 3 MM slash DD slash YYYY College/university transcripts is/are being forwarded. College/university transcripts is/are being forwarded.YesNoApplicants with degrees from outside the U.S. and Canada will be required to submit their transcript(s) for a credential evaluation unless the academic program is authorized by BGC or through a BGC-recognized accreditation agency to issue BGC verification statements. Record of Work Experience Directions: Provide details on principal professional responsibilities, highlighting environmental-related work (environmental-protection-related work, defined as paid employment that uses skills learned in an applicant's formal college education capabilities). Include, where applicable, a description of the extent of your involvement in, or understanding and awareness of, multi-media issues as they pertain to each position. You may upload an annotated resume in addition to this Record of Work Experience.You can view an example of how to complete this form Summary of Work CURRENT PositionSummary of WorkOne line summary of PositionTitle of position, name of employer, duties, degree of responsibility, and other relevant information for each significant assignment. Make statements clear and concise but specific.Title of position, name of employer, duties, degree of responsibility, and other relevant information for each significant assignment. Make statements clear and concise but specific.Time PeriodDate From MM slash DD slash YYYY Date To MM slash DD slash YYYY Duration of Professional Activity (Years/Months)Duration of Professional Activity (Years/Months)Names(s), Titles(s), and Address(es) of person(s) familiar with your work (if available)Names(s), Titles(s), and Address(es) of person(s) familiar with your work (if available)How many years of professional environmental experience are documented on your Record of Work Experience above?How many years of professional environmental experience are documented on your Record of Work Experience above?Previous Position Summary of Work Time Period Date From Date To Years References Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Check the one practice area closest to your experience and expertise. This is also the specialty exam that you will take. Check the one practice area closest to your experience and expertise. This is also the specialty exam that you will take.Choose OneAir Quality - Pollution ControlWater Quality - Wastewater Treatment - Water Resources - SupplyThird CWaste Management - Hazardous and SolidhoiceEnvironmental Science, Management, and PolicyCheck the one category that most closely encompasses your professional experience:Check the one category that most closely encompasses your professional experience:Choose OneConsulting/EngineeringEducationGovernmentIndustryMilitaryOther (explain below)Explain Other Reference List below the name, title, and company of at least three environmental professionals who have personal knowledge of your professional work and can substantiate and provide an evaluation of "time in responsible charge"* of environmentally-related work.Business partners, immediate subordinates, or relatives cannot write a reference for you.It is your responsibility to provide the link to the QEP Professional Reference Questionnaire (PRQ) form to those individuals listed below. Your application is not final until all completed PRQs are received by BGC.Note: *General definition of the term "responsible charge" refers to a leadership role or position of influence held in direct relationship to work assignments, job responsibilities, and to key roles in the projects or program assigned. Name, Title, and Affiliation of ReferenceNameTitleCompany/OrganizationReference Name Title Company/Organization Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. AgreementsHave you ever been criminally convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?Have you ever been criminally convicted of a misdemeanor or felony? No Yes Have you ever had a professional license or certification revoked?Have you ever had a professional license or certification revoked? No Yes Have you ever had a certification granted by a non-governmental organization revoked?Have you ever had a certification granted by a non-governmental organization revoked? No Yes If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then please contact BGC at applications@GoBGC.org. Answering "yes" does not automatically prevent an individual from obtaining the QEP certification, but the specific circumstances involved will be thoroughly reviewed by the BGC Admissions Committee.I understand that it is my responsibility to send the link to the Professional Questionnaire Form (PRQ) link to my references; BGC does not make an initial contact.Understand the riskNoYes Per the QEP Candidate Handbook pages on this website, I understand the following: Official transcripts must be submitted for each degree. An “official” transcript is one sent directly to BGC by your college or university through mail or as secure e-transcripts. Alternatively, you may submit official transcripts if they are in a sealed envelope with the Registrar’s stamp across the seal. If your transcripts have a name different from the name under which you are applying, please submit documentation of the name change to applications@GoBGC.org (e.g. marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.). When a degree includes credits that were transferred from another college or university, official transcripts for those course credits must be sent upon request. Email address for transcripts: applications@GoBGC.org. Physical address for transcripts: BGC, ATTN: QEP, 6005 W. St. Joseph Hwy Ste 300, Lansing, MI 48917 USA. QEP Candidate HandbookNoYesI hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless each and all of the BGC Board members, officers, committee members, staff, and its agents from and against any liability whatsoever in respect to any act(s), error(s), or omission(s) by them in connection with this application, the examination, the evaluation of such examination, or the granting or issuance of or failure to grant or issue a certificate to me, and that any certificate granted or issued to me shall remain the property of the BGC. Code of EthicsI understand that I am subject to the terms and conditions set out for my application in the QEP Candidate Handbook pages on the BGC website in effect at the time of application. I agree to adhere, to the best of my ability, to the BGC Code of Ethics and be governed by the Ethics Case Procedures as published on the BGC website.I further pledge to:Practice my profession only to the extent of my personal expertise.Maintain my personal proficiency through continuing education and professional development.Comply with applicable statutes, regulations, and standards.Strive to protect and enhance human health and the environment.Contribute to the development of other professionals.Conduct my professional affairs in a manner that reflects the highest moral character.I certify that the information and documents that I submit are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and truthful. I understand that any falsification in this application will be grounds for rejection or for later revocation of any certificate issued. I give permission to BGC to contact my past supervisors and references as listed herein.I also recognize my obligation not to reveal the contents of the QEP Examination. I agree that any prescribed application and examination fee(s) paid by me are not refundable, and if I become certified, I understand that I am obligated to pay annual QEP maintenance fees. I agree to use electronic records and signatures.* I agree to use electronic records and signatures. SignatureDate of signature MM slash DD slash YYYY Email Enter Email Confirm Email BGC does not discriminate among applicants as to age, sex, race, religion, national origin, disability, or marital status.I am submitting a Test Accommodation Request for a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended or other applicable laws.SubmittingNoYes{all_fields} QEP Candidate Handbook About the QEP QEP Handbook Overview of Steps Reapplicants Eligibility Requirements Documents Needed Exam Overview Exam Preparation Exam Scheduling Exam Day Exam Scoring & Score Reporting Documents and Forms Apply Now Applicants Payments